One of the lessons I have learned is this: My belief that I don’t have time to do something important or meaningful is false. An untruth. For me, the concept of not having enough time is a myth. “I don’t have time” in my life often equates to “it’s not a priority.” I have learned the importance of looking at and understanding what is actually taking up your time.
Recently, I was complaining (to myself – I know that we all do this!) about how if I had 5 more hours available in my week, I could get SO MUCH MORE DONE! I kept saying that I didn’t have time and wanted to see where I could find some time to get things done. One day I decided to look at where I was spending my time. I decided to just focus on one area: how much time I spent on my electronic devices.
If you have a smart phone or tablet you may get a report every week telling you how much time you spent on your screens. It pops up on my screen on Sunday mornings, usually when I really don’t want to know how much time I gave to these devices. I get a notification every week for every screen: phone, tablet, other tablet. I decided to sit down for just a minute or two, grabbed my calculator (on my phone!) and added up the amount of time that I spent on my devices in the past week. I was shocked when I saw the total.
I only wanted five hours more. I discovered that I was spending MUCH MORE than 5 hours a week on those devices. Let’s just say that I was stunned that I spent that many hours staring at those screens. That’s where my time was going.
Now, I do use my electronic devices for good: I read books, I use it for meditation, I use it to keep me organized. So, some of the time that I spend on these devices are helpful.
But then, I started thinking about the amount of time I spent whittling my life away: just scrolling through social media; playing games on my phone “to relax”. By spending a few minutes adding up the amount of time I spent on all my devices, I found the time that I said I didn’t have. I could no longer stand on the excuse that I didn’t have enough time. I found the time. And I had to reclaim it in order to get the results that I wanted in my life.
I started scheduling those 5 hours. I still allowed time for the other things that I liked to do on my phone. There was plenty left to spare…
And I started getting more done. The time was always there. I just had to decide to use my time more wisely.
So, here’s something I think you should do. I suggest that you add up the amount of time you spend on your phone, your tablet, and/or your computer. If you get a report like I do every week, take a minute and add up the total time that you spend staring at a screen. I promise you will be amazed. And you will find the time, that you claim you don’t have.
Now the lesson and the challenge to you is to take the time that you find, and make it a priority. How much time are you spending on your devices that isn’t productive? How much time has nothing to do with work, or growth? What really is important to you? It may be time to rearrange your priorities.