From Growth to Evolution

Growth…a word that intrigues me at every turn. I am focused on always growing and always helping others to grow. But when you say the word, when you tell yourself and others that you are growing, do we really understand what we are saying?


Of course I went to the dictionary. And I discovered that perhaps growth is not the best term for this process that we speak of. Growth led me to development. I’m fine with that, as I use that term regularly: personal development. Professional development. It works.


But a deeper look at the definition of development led me to another word that felt much more in line with my thoughts and feelings: evolution. According to Merriam-Webster, evolution is defined as a process of change in a certain direction. Evolution.


I like it.


(WARNING: lots of words ahead!)


I think about this because there are many elements to growth/development/evolution. The one that I am obsessed with at this point in my life is commitment. In order to grow/develop/evolve, you must be committed to it.


We can say that we are going to grow/develop/evolve and start the process of learning, perceiving, analyzing, and reviewing what we need in order to do it, but the level of commitment is just as important as the process of evolving itself. I have started out on many projects, intent on growing/developing/evolving (usually I say that I want to learn,) and end up not finishing what I start. Well, learning is one thing, but growing/developing/evolving is something else. I don’t stay committed to the process, and that is where my growth/development/evolution falters. I may learn SOMETHING in the effort, but the lack of follow through and finish only serves to stunt the growth/development/evolution that I sought out in the first place.


So what the heck am I trying to say? I am saying that you have to COMMIT to the process of growth/development/evolution throughout the entire thing. You decide to do something, start it, then you fall off, things wane, you don’t finish. I heard a basketball coach say: ”I can teach them the play, but they have to COMMIT to it in order to have it work.”


COMMIT. I was thinking about a project that I have been working on for a very long time. It is mostly done. But this particular project cannot be deemed a success until it is completely done. Completely. There seems to be one section, one area that does not appear finished. (Don’t’ you hate the all-or-nothing stuff?  I want partial credit!)  Well, here’s the life metaphor: You can’t always get partial credit for stuff in life.  Sometimes it is do it or don’t. You do your best or don’t. And I don’t mean this in terms of what others measure you on. I mean this in terms of how you view yourself. When you’re alone. And thinking. And feeling that you’re not there yet. Because you’re not there yet. And you know it. And that sucks.


So, commit. From start to finish. When you start to slip, or find excuses, you have to go back to why you started in the first place. This is the reason that your “WHY” has to be so strong. Because if it is not, you probably won’t continue. You won’t finish. If you know your why and can’t seem to move forward, then it is time to review your favorite list of fears…fear of success? Fear of failure (or are you just accepting the lack of finish as a less painful failure?) Fear of less? Fear of scarcity? Fear of never?


For me, regarding this particular task, brings out a fear of success. Because it may lead to more responsibilities, more time doing things in my already busy schedule, others relying on me to be somewhere doing something. But my “WHY” is clear – it will allow me to help other people and bring a modicum of joy to someone, which is why I’m here on this earth at this moment in time. So, here I am, planning to commit to the task at hand, and follow it through to the end. I have to believe that I can get this done. I do believe that I can get this done. I have the tools to do it. I have to believe in myself – and understand that the benefits outweigh the costs.


I do believe that, so let’s go.