With less than 3 ½ months left in this year, is it time to check your GPS? In this instance, GPS stands for Goals → Priorities → Strategies.
You have continued forward through this strange but compelling year (2020!) and have managed obstacles, brick walls, curve balls, and plot twists. We often end up in a reactionary mode, instead of being proactive and focused on our original goals. Take the time to identify where you are making choices and decisions based on what you want rather than reacting to what you don’t want.
Take a look at your goals…do you need to make adjustments? Are you off track and need to recalibrate the GPS? Take an honest look at where you are right now in order to determine what will get you to your goals.
Next up is Priorities. What do you need to prioritize in order to accomplish or achieve your goals? What do you need to know? What do you need to learn? Are there skills that you need to build, practice or master? Do you know what skills are needed to accomplish your goals?
Do you need to check your mindset? Is your way of thinking prohibiting your progress? Do you need to prioriitize self-care? Or is there a function of business that requires you to adjust your attitude (big lesson for me this week…!)
Are there behaviors that you need to change? Are there behaviors that you need to start doing? Are your current behaviors giving you the results that you want?
Take the time and make a list of what you need to prioritize now for the next few months.
So let’s look at your strategies…Do you have plans? Have you been implementing them? Are they giving you expected results?
Do you need to adjust the strategies that you are using to get you closer to the targeted results that you want? Or are you just using whatever strategy or plan that comes along? Are they really your strategies or someone else’s? Take a close look at what you’re doing. Hopefully you are taking action on these strategies. If not, look to find smaller steps that you can implement.
Block out some time to review where you are and where you want to go. Use the GPS. It will get you where you want to go even faster…
Take care of yourself,
Need help recalibrating your GPS to get you the results that you want? Click here and we can definitely get you there!